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Great news ! in record time (I know every Crypto startup claims that) we have launched our EVM compatible sidechain network.

Why ?

Ethereums mainnet is used by too many people and becomes congested, with great congestion coms great fees with great fees becomes a great obstacle to mass adoption.

People dont want to pay crazy money just to sent their money, especially with Crypto.

With this monumenous first step we will be introducing a Cross Chain Atomic-swap bridge, more precisely a HTL Contract swap, where a user will lock their tokens on mainnet/mumbai upon doing so our bridge will read the even and unlock/mint a give amount of tokens on the SatoshIE chain which you retrieve with a special unlock code – all contract interactions on satoshIE and more or less free for regular users up to the value of your wallets total less the transaction fee which is subsidized.


Author Paddy

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