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Obviously this is a slightly biased post considering the fact that we are poising ourselves to be the industry standard when it comes to web3 raffle’s but we figure its worth writing about the current state of the web3 raffle landscape while we are doing a lot of competitor research to see what others are doing right or not doing at all as the case seems to be.

Despite the fact that cryptocurrency and raffles are a fantastic combination as well as the technical compatibility with onchain verifiable lotteries which solve the age old problems with trust, there doesnt seem to be so many folks in the space doing a whole heck of a lot.

We are in heavy building mode right now, but that being said we are doing more than most, the fact that we have our own blockchain and swapping mechanism built right into the platform is light years ahead of the competition, we know because we have been DYOR in order to stay ahead of the curve and our competitors. So without further adieu, this is our breakdown of the current top ranking web3 raffle sites

The top web3 raffle platforms – according to google SERP it looks like it was once a decent platform if we are to believe the numbers of user entries, but it does seem that for one reaon or another it has ended up in the all so familiar web3 graveyard of dreams same story here, a quick check in on their twitter and it says they will be back after sorting our their technical team These guys keep cropping up, but looking at their site we see very little substance, their team has very few technical people and mostly marketing/management, first thing on their site is buy our token and a whole lot of token shilling. It looks like a copy pasta of the good old 2017 ICO token shilling days. another one for the graveyard, mentioned by a user on reddit so we thought we would inspect and quele surprise it has shut down These guys seem to be doing it the right way, not totally the space we want to be in but it looks like they have a solid platform and user base another one for the graveyard, nothing seems to be active on here.


As I mentioned at the start of this post, of course we are biased 🙂 MetaWin seems to be our only competitor in the space, anything else we have come across is either dead or limited by only supporting 1 chain, SatoshIE from the get go will support multiple EVM chains, in fact we can support any EVM chain with minimal issues our cross chain deposit and mint contracts can be placed anywhere and our relays will pick up and mint your deposits on Satoshie Chain and before you ask yes we do plan to also support other chains such as the mothership Bitcoin. This makes us not only more technologically advanced than most of these other platforms but also makes us more cost efficient, you deposit, we mint and then you pay zero (yes 0) for any transactions when placing a bet or buying a spot in one of our raffles.

Once you have Tushy Token its like your VIP pass to the SatoshieVerse, check out how easy it is in 1 picture to use our cross chain relay system. 5 simple steps is all it takes to swap and mint Tushy to use in any raffle participation, we pay out in all major cryptocurrencies.

web3 raffle
Check out our cross chain swap functionality over on Satoshie Platform

We will keep updating this list as we find more. If you guys know of any Web3 Crypto Raffle platforms that are actually working and not extinct please let us know below in the comments.


Author Paddy

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